Collection: C Range Cartridges

Browse through our range of lawncare cartridges in order to get the most out of your ALLETT C-Range cylinder mower and improve the look, feel and performance of your sports surface. Our C Range Cartridges are designed with your end goal in mind, they are easy to attach and effective in producing the results that you need from your pitch mower. We have designed them based upon feedback from groundkeepers far and wide so that our mowers can achieve exactly what they need to.  The C Range petrol machines take ALL the cartridges in the range. The C34E has its own E Range cartridges as well as taking the brush and the sorrel roller cartridge from the original range.
19 products
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  • 24" Turf Rake Cartridge
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  • 24" Powered Verticutter Cartridge
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  • 24" Non-Powered Sorrel Roller Cartridge
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  • 24" Powered Scarifier Cartridge with Tungsten Tipped Blades
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  • 24" Powered Scarifier Cartridge
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