Cutting Long Grass With Your Allett Cylinder Mower
Have you ever noticed your cylinder mower struggling to cut your lawn? It may be something as simple as you not having the cylinder to bottom blade set correctly or it could be that you're simply trying to cut grass that is too long for your cylinder to cope with. Remember cylinder mowers are for cutting short grass shorter! Here at Allett we have designed a handy auxiliary wheel kit to fit in place of your front roller to help you cut long grass- whether you've been away on holiday and your grass has got away from you or whether you have stalky grasses poking through. The wheel kit is also great if you have worm casts on your lawn as it allows you to use the brush or scarifier cartridge without a front roller on which would smear the worm casts all over your lawn. It enables you to get rid of your rotary mower to save space in your shed for cartridges!

The Allett Auxiliary Wheel Kit comes as standard with the Allett Liberty 43 and Kensington machines and is available as an optional extra for other Homeowner machines. The auxiliary wheels are designed for cutting longer grass that has grown too long for your cylinder to cut without the roller flattening it – may be if you go away on holiday and have missed several cuts. It takes just a couple of minutes to replace the front roller with the wheels- you can then mow your grass to a manageable height and then replace the wheels with the front roller again. It is also great for mowing over worm casts rather than the roller flattening them.
”It was very easy to attach the wheels – done in less than 5 minutes. I wanted to use it just for the fact I had a few worm-casts on the lawn and wanted to cut the grass rather than smear the worm casts over the lawn” Keith Smith (Allett owner/2018 Allett Creative Stripes Winner)
You can find a video of the auxiliary wheel kit in action here
Will the wheel kit fit the Allett Classic 14L petrol cylinder mower?